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I would'nt buy anything from this so called business, after asking for advice about vitamins they sold me the wrong ones, which was confirmed by my midwife. After returning the item to the store (unopened, with receipt) they refused to refund them. I spoke to the person in charge of the pharmacy and was told that they would have to bin them but then offered to exchange them and put them back for sale (lies all round). I was told to phone back the following the day, so i did and they had'nt spoken to their assistant and didnt even have my details from the sale. Phoning back yet again the follow day i was called a lair and had the phone put down on me. I would'nt set one foot into this pharmacy and i would not recommend this as a place to purchase anything. Customer Service 0% (not even 1 star, but that is the minimum) BEWARE.

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